by Umm Junayd
As loneliness savours on my soul
I peer into the mirror to see what it holds
I blink back at myself, questioning who I am
She is unrecognisable, who is it there that stands?
I peer into the mirror to see what it holds
I blink back at myself, questioning who I am
She is unrecognisable, who is it there that stands?

Her eyes are empty, filled with darkness
They contain no emotion, but long happiness.
Her shoulders are exhausted, her neck worn to the core
Her arms are depressed, her posture lifeless.
They contain no emotion, but long happiness.
Her shoulders are exhausted, her neck worn to the core
Her arms are depressed, her posture lifeless.
My identity has lost it way and cannot find the route back
Leaving my soul, body and mind black.
I am a never ending well, drifting in the unknown
I am as dry as a desert at night, dusty, cold and alone.
Leaving my soul, body and mind black.
I am a never ending well, drifting in the unknown
I am as dry as a desert at night, dusty, cold and alone.

I thought I was happy all this time
But I was obviously blind.
I am now a lost sheep in the dark
Who is constantly searching for the light.
But I was obviously blind.
I am now a lost sheep in the dark
Who is constantly searching for the light.
As I passed by the Masjid, something was calling to me,
It was a place of worship, my soul felt at ease.
I watched the believers pray and I knew I belong,
How close my safe haven was; I'd been searching for so long.
It was a place of worship, my soul felt at ease.
I watched the believers pray and I knew I belong,
How close my safe haven was; I'd been searching for so long.

Life isn't about enjoyment, how foolish that would be,
It is about worshipping Allaah, praising Him consistently.
Thanking Him for the life we have, we are truly blessed,
Life without Allaah's guidance can leave us in a mess.
It is about worshipping Allaah, praising Him consistently.
Thanking Him for the life we have, we are truly blessed,
Life without Allaah's guidance can leave us in a mess.
Woe to those who transgress Allaah's limits
They have been set for us to stay within it.
Woe to those who choose to disbelieve,
In this world they think they will always live.
They have been set for us to stay within it.
Woe to those who choose to disbelieve,
In this world they think they will always live.
Narrated Abu Huraira:
The Prophet said, "On the Day of Resurrection Allah will hold the whole
earth and fold the heaven with His right hand and say, 'I am the King:
where are the kings of the earth?" ' - Sahih Bukhari, number 479
earth and fold the heaven with His right hand and say, 'I am the King:
where are the kings of the earth?" ' - Sahih Bukhari, number 479
Our Lord! forgive us
our sins and anything
we may have done
that transgressed our duty:
Establish our feet firmly,
and help us against
those that resistFaith.
- Qur'an – 3:147 -
- Al 'imran: The Family of Imran -
our sins and anything
we may have done
that transgressed our duty:
Establish our feet firmly,
and help us against
those that resistFaith.
- Qur'an – 3:147 -
- Al 'imran: The Family of Imran -
It's such a wonderful Poem!!!!!
I really enjoy even Phrase by phrase...
Thanks for sharing!!
Yup Cheqna... actually our life was dark until Allah with His mercy lead and guide us into the light path...
May Allah always blessed us... Amiin!!
hust to say hai
JazakAllah my fren...amiin to ur doa, may we always be guided to the right path, n be blessed by Allah SWT, now n hereafter.
Donny len,
hi back to u, thank u for visiting here.
Subhanalloh..... sendiri dalam kebersamaan dan kebersamaan dalam sendiri, sepi dalam keramaian dan ramai dalam sepi...
Nikmatnya iman, Lezatnya islam..
Cukup bagiMu Alloh, لا اله الا الله
Rapatkan shaf, jalin silaturrohim dan perkuat ukhuwah ! Salam kenal, Agel Ibrahim. visit of the day and follow me... ! ^_*
A good blog, full of religious values will be.
so beatifull blog.. i like it.. please follow my blog too.. :) want to link exchange?? im so excited with your blog.. :D
a nice blog cheqna.
mantap sobat
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